Full Stack Engineer.Building interactive
and agile solutions .

Throughout my years as a developer, I've had the opportunity to work with talented developers and designers who helped me raise my standards for what's expected from a web application.

Through this experience, I've learned to build products that are not only aesthetic and easy to use but are written in code that's maintainable and easy to understand.

My Skills

Through my experience and education, I've gained a solid understanding of computer science and web development concepts, and I've dedicated a lot of time to apply them in the real world.

  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • NodJs/Express
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React.js/Next.js
  • Redux
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Jest/RSpec
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • MongoDB
  • Agile Methodologies(SCRUM)
  • AzureDevOps
  • Git/GitHub
  • Mobile/Responsive Design

What I've been working on

I enjoy building projects. I get to gain new experiences with each project and also work on something interesting. Take a look at some of the projects I've dedicated my time to.



A web app that allows users to book and track appointments with doctors.
APT Shipping

APT Shipping

A web app that allows users to book, make payment and track their shipments
MCPD 2022

MCPD 2022

A Fashion Summit website that provides information about the event and speakers.


A simple web application for tracking your budget.
Book Store

Book Store

A simple web application to add your favorite books, read and monitor reading progress.
Space Traveler

Space Traveler

This is an SPA with 3 routes and built with reactJs and redux as its state management tool. The site works by making API call for fetching the rockets and mission data. The site allows users to join any missions of their choice, reserve rockets, cancel rocket reservations.

Let's build something together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a project idea you’d like me to work on, have a question, or looking to make a new connection.

Send me an e-mail

Send me a message and I'll get back to you within 24 hours